Meet Your Neighbors: Zac & Tegan Kreider

By: The Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation (PCEDC) | 7.25.24


Pottawatomie County is home to some great people!  In our “Meet Your Neighbors” series, we’ll introduce you. 


Where are you originally from?  

Tegan grew up in Scott City, Kansas and Zac grew up in Holyoke, Colorado.  Prior to Wamego we were in Windsor, Colorado for 15 years.


How long have you been living in Wamego?  

We moved to Wamego in January 2021, so 3.5 years.


What brought you to Pottawatomie County? 

We were looking for small town America and wanting a sense of community. We randomly found a house on Zillow in Wamego and put an offer in on it sight unseen. But we were a day late and we were the backup offer but the initial offer was solid.   We began making trips to the Flint Hills in the Fall of 2020.  Our friends in Manhattan highly suggested Wamego. “They have the best coffee shop, they said.” We would say we hit the jackpot finding Wamego.


How are you involved in the community?  

Besides being regulars at Paramour Coffee, Tegan is the director of events and tourism for the Wamego Area Chamber of Commerce.  Prior to her taking this position in January 2023 we focused on getting to know the community and our neighbors.  Tegan started out early on in our arrival to town volunteering at Central Elementary and joined the Oztober Fest committee.  Zac requested to join available committees for the City of Wamego and found an open slot on the Board of Zoning Appeals.  Zac, usually with kids in tow, is an active volunteer for Tulip Festival, 4th of July Parade and Oztober Fest.  Additionally, our home has been a host for Porches on Poplar since its inception and look forward to continuing to support that project.  Our family started cleaning up trash at the Kansas River, Boat Ramp Park and Miller Park in 2022. It has since grown into a small coalition of community members that meet monthly.  Zac volunteered at the library during renovations helping move books, boxes, shelving and furniture.  Additional opportunities of assisting with coaching baseball and soccer have also been a highlight as a community member.  Tegan and Zac are both active Meals on Wheels delivery drivers. Our kids have been part of the Columbian Theather’s summer theater academy since we arrived. Additionally, we have enjoyed supporting local fundraisers for the hospital and community members.  


What’s your favorite thing about living in Wamego?  

Whether you are at the coffee shops, The Columbian Theater, a school function, a festival, or a fundraiser  you can feel the community atmosphere and pride that everyone has for their community.  The history of Wamego is Zac’s favorite.  There are so many stories from the World’s Fair memorabilia that found its way here to the pet alligator in the park to the history of the homes that outline downtown.  Tegan’s favorite is being part of the community and feeling like we belong here.  It’s a small town but has a lot to offer. Charlotte (10) says the festivals are her favorite!  Harrison (8) says the swimming pool, the rain and the weather are his favorite things about this community!


What are your hobbies and interests?  

Volunteering, spending time at the park and the pool, brewing beer and gardening. 


Do you have any advice for new residents?  

Get to know your neighbors! Introduce yourself everywhere you go. Volunteer your time. Join a committee.  Take the family to a show at The Columbian Theater.  Utilize the amenities Wamego has to offer; parks, pool, Kansas River. Experience all of the festivals in our town and in neighboring communities. Go hike the Konza or one of the many other trails the Flint Hills has to offer.  Take care of your little corner of Wamego and the whole town will continue to thrive!


Want to be a featured Pottawatomie County Neighbor? Contact Shanna Goodman at Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation (PCEDC) at



Get To Know Your Community: Wamego.