ACT Work Ready Communities
Pottawatomie County – ACT Work Ready Community

What is an ACT® Work Ready Community?
By: Jessica Venneberg, Executive Assistant, Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation (PCEDC)

The ACT® Work Ready Communities initiative is a core element in the effort to build a truly national system for work readiness. At the core of this aspiration sit ACT National Career Readiness Certificates (NCRCs) that focus on certifying three essential skills – applied math, reading for information, and locating information. The NCRC is an evidence-based credential that has been proven to accurately predict work readiness and job performance. And this predictive power applies to all three key groups of people: new workers, transitioning workers, and individuals who already have jobs.
These Certificates, and the skills they verify, help assure employers that the people hired and/or advanced will succeed. The Certificates also act like passports; regardless of where an individual lives or moves, the Certificates testify to work readiness. And, because the Certificates are a win/win for employers and employees alike, counties that have sustainable, ongoing certification efforts are far more attractive. In effect, counties that are Certified Work Ready Communities have a built-in economic development advantage in the eyes of existing employers as well as those contemplating relocations.
Pottawatomie County became a Certified Work Ready County in December 2016, has continued to maintain its certification, and add new objectives. In early 2018, Pottawatomie County received Maintenance status almost one year ahead of time by continuing important programs. Among these programs include: helping individuals improve their work readiness skills, conducting job analyses to help companies better leverage the WorkKeys National Career Ready Certificate (NCRC) in hiring and promotion, and integrating the WorkKeys NCRC as the foundational level in the model of stackable credentials established by the U.S. Department of Labor. These Certificates help ensure that local targets are aligned with the skills needed in high demand careers. Pottawatomie County was the first county in the state to achieve this status, and has since upheld its certification, attaining Maintenance status again in December 2020.
Pottawatomie County Economic Development Corporation is currently in contact with Jo Brunner, Workforce Services Supervisor of Junction City/Manhattan Workforce Centers, and the Kansas Department of Commerce who will help us register the students on so the scores and certificate levels are used as an economic tool for us and Kansas. The certificates have the ACT National Career Readiness emblem on them and are signed by the Governor of Kansas.
The need for Work Ready Communities (WRC) that are motivated to ensure that education and training match the needs of employers, lead to jobs, and help individuals advance in their careers are enabled through the WRC framework. According to ACT, education and workforce development must be linked and aligned with the needs of employers in communities so that candidates can find and succeed in jobs. Over 70 employers have signed to either “recognize or recommend” the National Career Ready Certificate
Achieving WRC status means that Pottawatomie County has a robust, connected workforce development program in place. Certification of a participating Work Ready County is based on:
1. The numbers of individuals, which is over 600 in Pottawatomie County, in its emerging, transitioning, and current workforces who have earned an ACT® National Career Readiness Certificate® (ACT® NCRC®), a portable credential that uses performance on selected ACT® WorkKeys® assessments to demonstrate achievement and a certain level of workplace employability skills, and
2. The numbers of its employers recognizing or recommending the ACT® WorkKeys® NCRC® in support of the county becoming a certified Work Ready Community. These numbers are established by goals developed from the ACT WRC common criteria. To learn how your company can utilize this program or testing, contact the PCEDC:
Shanna Goodman
Pottawatomie County WorkKeys Assessment Outcomes
The National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) is awarded at four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. These levels are designed to measure a participant’s skill level and career readiness in various career fields and occupations, with the Platinum level indicating that an individual is well-prepared for the vast majority of jobs/careers profiled by ACT.
NCRCs are awarded upon a student’s completion of WorkKeys assessments in Applied Math, Graphic Literacy, and Workplace Documents. Over 5,327,832 NCRCs have been awarded nationally since the introduction of the credential in 2006.
Pottawatomie County was certified as an ACT Work Ready Community in 2016, and has maintained its certification ever since. The program has gained attention from job-seekers, educators, and employers alike. The following graphs show the levels and certifications achieved by Pottawatomie County WorkKeys participants in recent years:

Work Ready Employees and Employer Support
93 Pottawatomie County employers recognize or recommend the ACT WorkKeys NCRC. Businesses interested in supporting the WorkKeys NCRC can fill out the Employer Registration form.
Recognizing the ACT NCRC is helpful for hiring managers and business leaders in identifying and measuring workplace skills of current and potential workers. When employers demonstrate support for the program, it is also helpful to students and jobseekers, as it highlights the importance of workplace readiness and foundational skills.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions around supporting the Work Ready Communities initiative or recognizing the NCRC.
Employer Resources
Employers can find data for occupational profiles and general WorkKeys program info online on the ACT Employer Toolkit page. The page also includes a search feature for verifying NCRC credentials of current or potential employees, based on certificate ID information.