Key Employment Clusters
Industry Employment Insights
The following table provides an accounting of the Pottawatomie county’s ventures including the number of ventures by sector and associated full-time equivalent employment.
Retail Trade nationally has undergone major changes as once-dominant locally owned retailers are now competing with externally owned big box stores and online sellers. A strong and diverse retail sector is important for capturing local spending and generating additional economic growth. Additionally, services for business, households, non-profits, and governmental agencies are increasingly important.
Sector | Venture | Employees | Ratio |
Agriculture | 33 | 117 | 0.9% |
Mining & Utilities | 10 | 71 | 0.5% |
Construction | 111 | 764 | 5.9% |
Manufacturing | 39 | 957 | 7.4% |
Wholesale Trade | 48 | 856 | 6.6% |
Retail Trade | 179 | 3,206 | 24.7% |
Transportation & Warehousing | 28 | 214 | 1.6% |
Information | 27 | 224 | 1.7% |
Finance & Insurance | 69 | 501 | 3.9% |
Real Estate | 44 | 166 | 1.3% |
Professional Services | 77 | 775 | 6.0% |
Management & Advertising | 29 | 260 | 2.0% |
Education | 36 | 919 | 7.1% |
Health Care | 73 | 1,285 | 9.9% |
Arts, Entertainment & Recreation | 29 | 187 | 1.4% |
Accommodations | 15 | 151 | 1.2% |
Food Service | 52 | 854 | 6.6% |
Hospitality Sector | 96 | 1,192 | 9.2% |
Other Services | 160 | 823 | 6.3% |
Public Administration | 80 | 645 | 5.0% |
Unclassified Establishments | 30 | 14 | 0.1% |
Total | 1,169 | 12,989 | 100% |
Pottawatomie County imports a large amount of Manufacturing labor (767 workers) and exports a large amount of Education & Healthcare labor (1,061 workers). Other industries in which Pottawatomie County imports labor include: Construction, Wholesale Trade, Natural Resources & Mining, and Utilities. Other industries in which Pottawatomie County exports labor include Administration, Support & Other Services, Arts, Accommodation & Food Services, Public Administration, Management & Professional Services, F.I.R.E., and Information.
The largest industries in the Manhattan MSA (Pottawatomie County, Riley County, and Geary County) by percentage of total employment are Education & Health Care (31.1%) followed by Retail Trade (11.9%), Leisure & Hospitality (11.4%), and Business & Professional Services (11.0%). Pottawatomie County dominates the region’s Manufacturing sector, with a percentage of total employment four times as high as the MSA (21.0% compared to 5.3%). Pottawatomie County also has a higher percentage of its total employment in the Construction and Wholesale Trade sectors compared to the MSA. The Manhattan MSA has a substantially high percentage of its total employment in the Leisure & Hospitality, Retail Trade, and Business & Professional Services sectors.
Regional Industry Insights
The following graph demonstrates the counts of jobs per industry in Pottawatomie county, Riley county, and the Manhattan metro area. Note that the x (bottom) axis and color coding for each chart is based on the industry job count ranges for each area and is not the same for each area chart.

Pottawatomie County Growth Trends by Industry