Saint George
Saint George Overview
Located along Old Military Trail Road and the Kansas River in south Pottawatomie County, KS, Saint George is a small community poised for growth. Located conveniently near Manhattan, KS, Saint George is an appealing place for new Kansas residents and local commuters; the town boasts many new developments and housing units. With an advantageous location in the Greater Manhattan, KS, Region, Saint George is also an appealing location for business operations – just contact us with your questions about doing business here in Saint George or Pottawtaomie County!
Community Statistics
According to the Census Bureau’s Data Profile for Saint George, KS, the town had approximately 1,050 residents as of the 2020 decennial census. According to 2021 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, the median age in Saint George is 31.6, just a bit below the Kansas state median age of 37.3.
According to U.S. Census Bureau estimates, the median household income in Saint George is around $81,131. This exceeds an estimated Kansas State median household income of $64,124.
The Census Bureau’s 2021 ACS 5-Year estimates includes information on school enrollments. According to this data, an estimated 341 Saint George residents aged 3 years and older were enrolled in school. This includes an estimated 17 in Nursery or preschool, 251 in K-12 education, and 73 enrolled in college or graduate school.
2021 ACS Community Survey 5-Year Estimates indicate that the homeownership rate in Saint George is around 65.8%. This is slightly below an estimated state homeownership rate of 67.0%.
Saint George Employment and Workforce
According to the Census Bureau’s 2021 ACS 5-Year Estimates, the employment rate in Saint George is approximately 77%, which is higher than the estimated Kansas employment rate of 62.1%. The following information, sourced from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Profile on Saint George, provides additional information on the town’s workforce:
Saint George, KS, Worker Inflow/Outflow
The following data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s OnTheMap Application provides additional insight as to the inflow and outflow of Saint George’s residents and workers. You can also access a full inflow/outflow report for Saint George through our site or OnTheMap.
Where Residents of St. George Work

Source: U.S. Census Bureau OnTheMap Application
Where St. George's Workforce Lives

Source: U.S. Census Bureau OnTheMap Application